Are you looking for a school place? Perhaps you're new to the area? Do come and visit St Mary’s where we look forward to showing you around our lovely school and seeing our fantastic children enjoying their learning. Please telephone or email to book a date. We welcome all applicants, regardless of faith or background to come and join our school family!

Governor Information

Responsibilities of the Governing Body 

The Local CAST Board (LCB) currently comprises three Foundation Governors appointed by the Bishop of Plymouth Diocese, one Parent Governor (Parent Governors are elected by the parents of the school), a Co-opted Governor and the Headteacher. Parent Governors are elected every four years or on the resignation of a Parent Governor (whichever is earlier). All parents of the school are eligible to be a Parent Governor.

The Role of the Governors

The School Governors at St. Mary’s are parent, staff, foundation (Church) representatives who are very interested and enthusiastic about the well being of our school and our pupils and staff. The Governors are responsible for the effective running of the school, both financially and educationally.

They meet regularly and oversee the leadership and management of the school, providing expertise, critical friendship and a great deal of support to the school. Their chief concern is to ensure a high quality education for the pupils of St. Mary’s and that the school complies with initiatives and legislation such as the Freedom of Information Act.
LCB meeting minutes are available on request from our Clerk to Governors Claire Silverlock

Our governors at St. Mary’s are extremely approachable and welcome opportunities to share information about their business and to discuss school matters.

If you wish to contact the Governing Body please contact The Chair of Governors either Mr Ben Holdsworth or Reverend Mike Turnbull C/o St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Old Mill Lane, Marnhull, Dorset, DT10 1JX.